
drugs that cigarette!

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Cigarettes are the gateway for drugs. More specifically, the cigarette itself is actually included in the definition of drugs. Yes, in the midst of an anti-drug campaign in the community, was not much aware of this. Smoking is now no longer a purely medical problem, but it already has its own complexity.
Drugs in the sense of active substances contained 3 groups of Narcotics, Psychotropic and Addictive other materials. Smoking together with alcohol fall into the latter group. Nicotine is one component of cigarettes is a stimulant psychotropic substances. So the fact that cigarette is a drug too. Therefore, smoking also has the main properties of other drugs like that is habituation, addiction and tolerance.Habituation is a sense of longing, constantly passing in the mind on the use of substances, so that someone will continue to want to use these substances when gathered with fellow users. While addiction is a compulsive urge to use a substance accompanied the signs of dependence.
Dependency itself can be a psychological dependence (psychological dependence) or physiological dependence (physiological dependence). Addiction is a psychological compulsion to use substances meet the psychological needs, such as for coping with stress. While the physiological dependence means that the process of the body such that the functional changes due to regular exposure to the substance.Tolerance is an example of physiological dependence, ie with increasing time of use then use the next substance needed larger doses than ever to achieve the same effect enjoyment. Tolerance is what will make a smoker, and other drug users, continue to increase the number of cigarettes smoked over time.
Cigarettes are the cheapest and OTC drugs. With a piece of money USD 1000.00 somebody was able to get a cigarette that contains 4000 kinds of chemical substances. None of the pharmaceutical product that contains 4000 kinds of chemical substances can be purchased at a price so cheap. Therefore, whoever is easy to obtain a cigarette, from their old age and elementary school children. Besides smoking also gives pleasure, although temporary, and it must have been the magnet for unstable individuals who are not satisfied of the fact of life, or for teenagers as loyal friends during get-togethers.
So do not be surprised if the bad habit of smoking has become popular in the community. Based on reports of Breslau et al (2001), 1 in 4 adults in the United States has a dependence on nicotine, although the recent popularity of smoking among adolescents of uncle Sam continued to sag. Population of Indonesia itself is one of the world's largest consumer of cigarettes, and cigarette production has a magnitude that does not lose anyway. This fact makes a variety of foreign tobacco companies like Philip Morris, fight for market share in this country.
And finally as cigarette imports and investment from developed countries are increasingly massive, the diseases associated with cigarettes are also imported.Cardiovascular disease and cancer (especially lung cancer) are currently occupying the top cause of death in Indonesia, shifting the range of infectious diseases.
There are several stages experienced by a smoker to a stage of dependency. The first stage is experimental or trial and error. They began to inhale smoke to seek peace, more energy and escape from everyday stress. At this stage, a smoker feels confident can still control the habit of smoking.
In the next stage, namely the use of routine, smokers began to be controlled by the terrible effects of nicotine. At this stage of denial plays an important role. Smokers will deny that he can not control the smoking habit again, deny that that habit can cause various fatal diseases. Actually he knows the dangers of smoking, but the pleasure has already covered the pseudo-anxiety and common sense. With this denial, it is no wonder the anti-smoking campaign that carries a variety of health hazards of smoking to be raw.
Final stage is a dependency, in which cigarette smokers have become loyal friends all the time, and without them, smokers will complain of a wide range of afflictions from bitter to the mouth of a fever. And furthermore, he will smoke more, not just seek pleasure like the early stages but to avoid the pain of withdrawal.
Given that the cigarettes came from trial and error, curiosity and solidarity, then it is no exaggeration to say that individual smokers are also susceptible to other drugs.Cigarettes are a gateway to other drugs. Deaths due to diseases related to smoking is greater than the deaths due to other drug types. Expense of the state to care for residents who suffer from diseases associated with smoking is also greater than the revenue from cigarette taxes.
Unfortunately cigarettes are the only drugs that can attack people who do not participate to use it. Several studies have mentioned that passive smokers have an increased risk of more or less the same as active smokers to suffer from coronary heart disease, respiratory tract, cataracts and even lung cancer. So there is no doubt that cigarettes more dangerous than other types of drugs.
Smoking is not just a health issue, but involves also the political, business, social, social, psychological and poverty. Although the known risks of smoking so much, it is impossible to ban cigarette factory to operate. The cigarette industry is where the velocity of money is a great form of employment as well as the largest contributor to the state tax. Some of the richest people in this country comes from the tobacco industry. Smoking has long been a major sponsor various sports programs, especially football which is very popular in the community. Cigarette ads always show a masculine figure of a man and adventurous spirit so as to win the hearts of teens who are full-time dream to become an idol. Thus, what's a little appeal to the health hazards of smoking are listed in the pack of cigarettes than tobacco advertising is so magnificent. This is what makes cigarettes as a drug that 'legalized'. Even when a drug case has been continued to fluctuate, cigarettes are always overlooked as a root of the problem drug. How might we want to eliminate weeds without unplugging its roots?
Although cigarettes fortified with sturdy by political and business elements, does not mean that efforts to combat smoking should be stopped in the middle of the road.Anti-smoking campaign efforts should continue to be encouraged, but with various other approaches. During this approach by highlighting the various health threat has been widely used, and usually less effective. Of course, rare for a smoker to stop smoking because of fear of these diseases unless he has indeed been miserable.What happens is a temporary pleasure of cigarette smoke that smokers mengebul have made myself calm down, do not worry about anything, life becomes enjoyable and obscure concerns about the future.
Perhaps more effective approach is to emphasize how important it is to stop smoking to save people who are loved as a wife or children of smokers from the dangers of passive smoking. Also currently available drugs such as nicotine replacement varenicline, this may be promising, but it could also just shift from one form of dependence on other dependencies. Not to mention the cost issues are certainly expensive because drug production is still privately held.
The ban on smoking in public places like yangt stated in the Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 2 of 2005 on Prevention of Air Pollution (PPU) in Jakarta is actually a positive effort, but unfortunately the reality was not as it should. Problems of cigarettes should continue to be addressed seriously by the various parties, in macro and micro scale, as serious as the slogans of anti-drugs that often we hear and see.
(According to the article published in the February edition of the magazine Doctor We are the result of my own writing as well)

Cigarette advertising is the enemy of the Joint

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Because the impact on health and cause death. We must not tolerate sponshorship cigarettes. We must change the mindset, that smoking is not a sign of an honor.Never again that smoking was popularized makruh.Meuthia Prempuan Empowerment Minister Hatta said that, when opening a workshop on Child Protection from Impact Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship smoking, the National Commission for Child Protection was held in Jakarta on Monday (28 / 1)."We have seen a tendency of children and adolescents smoking at an early age as a concern," he said.
Women's Ministry is taking care of children and women never get a fund of Rp 200 million from the tobacco industry, but it returned though in fact we need money. Even not only that, because of concern for children, we, said Meuthia, also do not accept sponsorship from infant formula, except for pregnant women because the destination is the mother, with the aim that she and her fetus healthy.
According Meuthia, so smokers should be made aware of the costs to be incurred from smoking. Survey years 1981-1997 at the lower income groups, medium, and high, indicating that the low economic groups, expenditure on smoke rose 227 percent, from Rp 343 per person per day to Rp779 per person per day. Currently estimated to be greater due to higher prices for goods.
"A heavy economic burden since nearly 60 percent of their expenditures still needs to eat, so clearly the impact of smoking on the process of impoverishment. Spending on cigarettes can actually be used to meet the nutritional needs of families (toddlers), especially in poor families, "said Minister of Women's Empowerment.
Meuthia argues, there is need for regulation to protect the public, children and adolescents from the dangers of smoking, until recently the government has only PP_Nomor 19 of 2003 regarding the prohibition of tobacco advertising on TV at tanyangan At 17.00 up to 20, places of worship, health facilities and education, wherechildren's activities, places and public vehicles. Prohibition of smoking for free, but its effectiveness has yet to be seen given the diversity of conditions and circumstances.
"Religious leaders and legal scholars about the need to disseminate smoking from the point of religious law (Islam), if necessary issue a fatwa is harder to remember mudharatnya smoke more than the benefits," explains Meuthia.

Cigarette Smoke Effects Dangers to Your Health The Human Body - A single result Cigarette Toxins, Addiction, Opium, Discard Money And Sin

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Cigarettes are the toxic effects of suggestion to relax and feel more manly. Behind the usefulness or benefits of cigarettes a piece that contained a very big danger for people who smoke and those around smokers than non-smokers.
1. Cigarette smoke contains approximately 4000 chemicals of which 200 are poisonous and 43 other types can cause cancer of the body. Some very dangerous substances that are tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, etc..
2. Cigarette smoke is just dead on an ashtray containing three times the cancer-promoting material in the air and 50 times contain pengeiritasi eyes and breathing.The shorter the higher the toxicity of cigarettes are ready to float into the air. A place filled with cigarette smoke pollution is a more dangerous place than pollution on the streets of a jammed highway.
3. Someone who tried smoking usually be addictive because cigarettes are addictive difficult released under any circumstances. A heavy smoker will choose to smoke rather than eat if they have limited money.
4. Expensive price of cigarettes would be very burdensome to those who are poor, so that his family's health and welfare funds are often diverted to buy cigarettes.Cigarettes with famous brands are usually owned by foreign tobacco companies coming from abroad, so that the money spent on smokers will flee to foreign countries that reduce foreign exchange. Cigarette factory that employs many workers will not be able to improve the lives of their employees, so if the cigarette factory closed down workers can be employed in place of other, more creative effort and bring in foreign exchange.
5. Some smokers will usually invite other people who do not smoke to smoke in order to feel the same suffering with it, that is trapped in an evil addiction cigarette smoke.Some smokers also have a deliberately smoking in public places so that the exhaled tobacco smoke can be inhaled others, so others will get cancer.
6. Activities that damage the body is a sin, so that cigarettes can be categorized as an unlawful object or item that must be avoided and shunned as far as possible.Ulema or religious scholars who smoke may have different perceptions in this regard.
So it can be concluded that smoking is an activity undertaken stupid human sacrifice money, health, social life, the reward, positive perceptions, and so forth. So thank you if you do not smoke, because you are a smart / clever.
When someone offers a cigarette is starting well. Feeling kasihanlah in those who smoke. Do not listen to those who think you are lower than they otherwise ngerokok follow-up. because in their hearts and minds are sane they want to quit smoking.